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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:I'm looking for a charming, intelligent and cute woman, who can be my best friend and then, if I am a lucky guy, she could be my lover and my half forever....obviously I am family oriented. A family is like a big tree, the roots help us to stand up in the middle of a storm. I believe we are not on earth to stay alone. We need the right person at our right side to face the life with courage and show the best side of ourself. Life is short.....but life could be nice.....believe me. Together, we will be strong....the world will be our Kingdom. Take care and stay always cool and cute. Bye...see you online. Gus是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
I'm looking for a charming, intelligent and cute woman, who can be my best friend and then, if I am a lucky guy, she could be my lover and my half forever....obviously I am family oriented. A family is like a big tree, the roots help us to stand up in the middle of a storm. I believe we are not on earth to stay alone. We need the right person at our right side to face the life with courage and show the best side of ourself. Life is short.....but life could be nice.....believe me. Together, we will be strong....the world will be our Kingdom. Take care and stay always cool and cute. Bye...see you online. Gus

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
我在寻找一个迷人、 智能和可爱的女人,可以我最好的朋友的人,然后,如果我是个幸运的人,她可能是我的爱人和我的一半永远 … … 我显然是面向家庭。家庭就像一棵大树,根帮助我们在一场风暴的中间站起来。我相信我们不是单独呆在地球上。我们需要合适的人在我们面对生活的勇气和展示自己的最好一面的右侧。人生苦短 … … 但生命就是好的 … … 相信我。一起,我们会坚强 … …,世界将我们的王国。照顾,始终保持冷静和可爱。再见 … … 网上见。Gus

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