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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Normal patterning and morphogenesis of the complex skeletal structures of the skull requires an exquisite, reciprocal cross-talk between the embryonic cephalic epithelia and mesenchyme. The mesenchyme associated with the jaws and the optic and olfactory capsules is derived from a Hox-negative cranial neural crest (CNC) population that acts much as an equivalence group in its interactions with specific local cephalic epithelial signals. Craniofacial pattern and morphogenesis is therefore controlled in large part through the regulation of these local cephalic epithelial signals. Here, we demonstrate that Pax6 is essential to the formation and maturation of the complex cephalic ectodermal patterning centers that govern the development and morphogenesis of the upper jaws and associated nasal capsules. Previous examinations of the craniofacial skeletal defects associated with Pax6 mutations have suggested that they arise from an optic-associated blockage in the migration of a specific subpopulation of midbrain CNC to the lateral frontonasal processes. We have addressed an alternative explanation for the craniofacial skeletal defects. We show that in Pax6(SeyN/SeyN) mutants regional CNC is present by E9.25 while there is already specific disruption in the early ontogenetic elaboration of cephalic ectodermal expression, associated with the nascent lambdoidal junction, of secreted signaling factors (including Fgf8 and Bmp4) and transcription factors (including Six1 and Dlx5) essential for upper jaw and/or nasal capsular development. Pax6 therefore regulates craniofacial form, at stages when CNC has just arrived in the frontonasal region, through its control of surface cephalic ectodermal competence to form an essential craniofacial patterning center.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
Normal patterning and morphogenesis of the complex skeletal structures of the skull requires an exquisite, reciprocal cross-talk between the embryonic cephalic epithelia and mesenchyme. The mesenchyme associated with the jaws and the optic and olfactory capsules is derived from a Hox-negative cranial neural crest (CNC) population that acts much as an equivalence group in its interactions with specific local cephalic epithelial signals. Craniofacial pattern and morphogenesis is therefore controlled in large part through the regulation of these local cephalic epithelial signals. Here, we demonstrate that Pax6 is essential to the formation and maturation of the complex cephalic ectodermal patterning centers that govern the development and morphogenesis of the upper jaws and associated nasal capsules. Previous examinations of the craniofacial skeletal defects associated with Pax6 mutations have suggested that they arise from an optic-associated blockage in the migration of a specific subpopulation of midbrain CNC to the lateral frontonasal processes. We have addressed an alternative explanation for the craniofacial skeletal defects. We show that in Pax6(SeyN/SeyN) mutants regional CNC is present by E9.25 while there is already specific disruption in the early ontogenetic elaboration of cephalic ectodermal expression, associated with the nascent lambdoidal junction, of secreted signaling factors (including Fgf8 and Bmp4) and transcription factors (including Six1 and Dlx5) essential for upper jaw and/or nasal capsular development. Pax6 therefore regulates craniofacial form, at stages when CNC has just arrived in the frontonasal region, through its control of surface cephalic ectodermal competence to form an essential craniofacial patterning center.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
正常操作模式和复杂的骨骼结构的头骨形态需要精致、 相互之间的交互的胚胎头上皮和间质。与颌骨和光纤和嗅胶囊相关的间质被从行为一样,对等组特定本地头上皮信号与互动过程中 Hox 负颅神经嵴 (CNC) 人口。头面部模式和形态发生因此控制在很大程度上通过这些地方的头上皮信号的规管。在这里,我们证明 Pax6 至关重要的形成和成熟的管理发展的复杂头外胚层阵列中心和上游的形态发生了入口和相关的鼻胶囊。以前考试 Pax6 基因突变与相关联的颅面骨缺损的建议他们引起脑数控特定亚群的迁移光相关堵外侧行前进程。我们已解决了颅面骨缺损的另一种解释。我们显示 Pax6(SeyN/SeyN) 突变体区域数控时出现的 E9.25 已经有新生传动轴的交界处,分泌信号因素 (包括 Fgf8 和 Bmp4) 和上颌骨和/或鼻囊发育转录因素 (包括 Six1 和 Dlx5) 基本与关联头的外胚层表达式的早期个体发育拟订具体中断。Pax6 因此阶段时数控刚到鼻尖部地区通过其控制的表面头外胚层能力基本颅面阵列中心调节头面部的窗体。

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