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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The Chinese educated elite is fascinated by the similarities between the Jewish diaspora and overseas Chinese experiences, between Chinese and Jewish cultures. Many are knowledgeable of the Jewish experiences in China and are proud of their country’s role in providing a refuge for Jewish refugees from Nazism. Most Chinese are philo-Semitic, even admiring the Jewish people for those stereotypic qualities featured in Western anti-Semitic literature.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
The Chinese educated elite is fascinated by the similarities between the Jewish diaspora and overseas Chinese experiences, between Chinese and Jewish cultures. Many are knowledgeable of the Jewish experiences in China and are proud of their country’s role in providing a refuge for Jewish refugees from Nazism. Most Chinese are philo-Semitic, even admiring the Jewish people for those stereotypic qualities featured in Western anti-Semitic literature.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
中国受过教育的精英迷住了犹太人与海外的中国经验,中国和犹太文化之间的相似之处。很多人是知识渊博的犹太人在中国的经历和的从纳粹犹太难民提供庇护他们国家的作用感到自豪。大多数中国人斐洛闪、 甚至欣赏那些刻板的品质的犹太人在西方反犹太主义文学特色。

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