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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:UFO in your understanding of the physical principles of magnetic levitation, the adoption of well-rehearsed, you can reach UFO no electricity, no fulcrum, anti-gravity floating in the magical world of flying.是什么意思?

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UFO in your understanding of the physical principles of magnetic levitation, the adoption of well-rehearsed, you can reach UFO no electricity, no fulcrum, anti-gravity floating in the magical world of flying.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
了解在您的排练,通过磁悬浮的物理原理的不明飞行物你可以达到不明飞行物没有电,没有支点、 反重力浮在飞行的神奇世界。

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