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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:At first sight, the idea that we can catch the moods, habits and state of health not only of those around us, but also those we do not even know seems alarming. It implies that rather than being in charge of where we are going in life, we are little more than back-seat drivers, since most social influence operates at a subconscious level. But we need not be alarmed, says Duncan Watts, a sociologist at Columbia University, New York. "Social influence is mostly a good thing. We should embrace the fact that we're inherently social creatures and that much of who we are and what we do is determined by forces that are outside the little circle we draw around ourselves." What's more, by being aware of the effects of social contagion we may be able to find ways to counter it, or use it to our own benefit. "There's no doubt people can have some control over their networks and that this in turn can affect their lives," says Christakis.是什么意思?

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At first sight, the idea that we can catch the moods, habits and state of health not only of those around us, but also those we do not even know seems alarming. It implies that rather than being in charge of where we are going in life, we are little more than back-seat drivers, since most social influence operates at a subconscious level. But we need not be alarmed, says Duncan Watts, a sociologist at Columbia University, New York. "Social influence is mostly a good thing. We should embrace the fact that we're inherently social creatures and that much of who we are and what we do is determined by forces that are outside the little circle we draw around ourselves." What's more, by being aware of the effects of social contagion we may be able to find ways to counter it, or use it to our own benefit. "There's no doubt people can have some control over their networks and that this in turn can affect their lives," says Christakis.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
乍一看,我们可以赶上情绪、 习惯和不只我们,周围人的健康状况,但也是我们甚至不知道这个想法似乎令人震惊。它意味着,而不是正在负责的我们在生活中,我们背-座驱动程序,只不过是因为大多数社会影响运行在潜意识层面。但我们不需要担心,说邓肯瓦,一位在纽约的哥伦比亚大学社会学家。"社会的影响是主要是一件好事。我们应该接受这一事实我们是天生的社会动物和我们是谁和我们做的很多由我们围绕自己绘制的小圆圈之外的部队。"更重要的是,通过了解社会蔓延的影响可能能够找到对付它,或使用我们自己的利益。"有没有疑问的人可以有一些控制他们的网络,这反过来会影响他们的生活,"克里斯塔基斯说。

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