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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:To get an idea of what is going on, take Christakis's findings on the spread of happiness, which were published last month. His team looked at a network of several thousand friends, relatives, neighbours and work colleagues. They found that happy people tend to be clustered together, not because they naturally orientate towards each other, but because of the way happiness spreads through social contact over time, regardless of people's conscious choice of friends.是什么意思?

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To get an idea of what is going on, take Christakis's findings on the spread of happiness, which were published last month. His team looked at a network of several thousand friends, relatives, neighbours and work colleagues. They found that happy people tend to be clustered together, not because they naturally orientate towards each other, but because of the way happiness spreads through social contact over time, regardless of people's conscious choice of friends.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
要了解发生了什么,克里斯塔基斯的结果上蔓延的幸福,上个月发表。他的团队看的几个几千的朋友、 亲戚、 邻居、 同事的网络。他们发现快乐的人往往会聚集在一起,不是因为他们自然定向彼此,但由于的方式快乐遍及通过社交接触时,无论人的自觉选择的朋友。

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