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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:  父母是我们人生的第一任的老师。他们不像教育家那样学富五车、出口成章,说的是大道理大智慧,而是用他们的行动、他们的肢体语言,语重心长地教导我们。什么是爱,什么是亲情,什么是生活,什么是人生。教导我们要尊老爱幼,互相谦让,尊重和帮助他人;教导我们要通过诚实的、脚踏实地地劳动来换取美好幸福的生活。教导我们要懂得感恩,感谢学校老师,感谢同学朋友,感谢身边给予自己帮助过的人。是什么意思?

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
  Parents are our first teacher in life. They don't like be wealthy in knowledge as educators, regulations, said was about the great wisdom, but by their actions, their body language, and earnestly teach us. What love is, what is the family, what is life, what life. Teach us to cherishing and humility, respect and helping others; teach us to be honest, down-to-Earth labor in return for good and happy life. Teach us to know how to be grateful, for school teachers, thanks to student friends, thank you for your help around people.

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