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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Naismith studied current(当前的) games. He found that all the most popular games used a ball. So a ball would be part of his new game, he decided. But kicking the ball or hitting it would be too rough for indoors. So he put two baskets up on poles. The players had to try to throw a soccer ball into them. Naismith then made thirteen rules for the game. Twelve of them are still in use today. Just seven years after the game began, professional basketball teams were formed.是什么意思?

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Naismith studied current(当前的) games. He found that all the most popular games used a ball. So a ball would be part of his new game, he decided. But kicking the ball or hitting it would be too rough for indoors. So he put two baskets up on poles. The players had to try to throw a soccer ball into them. Naismith then made thirteen rules for the game. Twelve of them are still in use today. Just seven years after the game began, professional basketball teams were formed.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
奈研究 current(当前的) 游戏。他发现所有最受欢迎的比赛用球。他的球将是他新的游戏的一部分,所以决定的。但踢球或打它太粗糙的室内。所以他把两个篮子上杆。球员们不得不尝试扔进他们的足球。奈于是十三的游戏规则。十二岁的他们今天仍在使用。七年后游戏开始,成立了专业篮球队。

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