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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:从绝对数字来看,最保守的数据是全国目前尚有1.7 亿左右的剩余劳动力存量,并且每年有1000万左右的人口进入劳动年龄。总体来看,我国现在的失业率已经远远超过12 %的国际警戒线。可以说,失业和就业问题正在成为我国当前和今后相当一个时期内最有可能产生政治、经济和社会风险的矛盾焦点。是什么意思?

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从绝对数字来看,最保守的数据是全国目前尚有1.7 亿左右的剩余劳动力存量,并且每年有1000万左右的人口进入劳动年龄。总体来看,我国现在的失业率已经远远超过12 %的国际警戒线。可以说,失业和就业问题正在成为我国当前和今后相当一个时期内最有可能产生政治、经济和社会风险的矛盾焦点。

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
In absolute figures, most conservative data is the national stock of surplus labor force of around 170 million have yet, and it has a population of around 10 million a year to enter the working age. Overall, China's unemployment rate now has far more than the 12% of international warning line. It can be said that unemployment and employment is becoming the current and future is a period of time are most likely to have political, economic and social risks of conflicting focus.

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