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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Is there any words I say make you feel angry?What you considered is just random thinking.Tonight we'd better not speak so much due to my mother in.Tomorrow we have a great chance to make a phone call,but I wish you can tell me lots of words.You are always so dull.I miss you a lot!是什么意思?

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Is there any words I say make you feel angry?What you considered is just random thinking.Tonight we'd better not speak so much due to my mother in.Tomorrow we have a great chance to make a phone call,but I wish you can tell me lots of words.You are always so dull.I miss you a lot!

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
是那里我说任何话让你感到生气吗?你考虑的是只是随机的思维。今晚我们最好不说那么多,我的母亲因。明天我们有很大机会打个电话,但我希望你能告诉我很多的字。你总是这么笨。我非常想念你 !

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