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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:  I am a student and took a flight from Malta-Dubai-Shanghai on 13 of June. I arrived in the afternoon on 14 of June. However, I got my check-in luggage in the morning on 16 June, which was 2 days later. Moreover, the lock of my luggage was broken. One 75-year commemorative Zippo lighter and one Springfield sunglasses were both gone. The staff of Emirates broke my lock and stole my stuffs. Everyone can images what actually happened when my luggage stayed in Dubai one night. There were lots of personal stuffs of a girl in the luggage and it was just like exhibited to some awful strangers.是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
  I am a student and took a flight from Malta-Dubai-Shanghai on 13 of June. I arrived in the afternoon on 14 of June. However, I got my check-in luggage in the morning on 16 June, which was 2 days later. Moreover, the lock of my luggage was broken. One 75-year commemorative Zippo lighter and one Springfield sunglasses were both gone. The staff of Emirates broke my lock and stole my stuffs. Everyone can images what actually happened when my luggage stayed in Dubai one night. There were lots of personal stuffs of a girl in the luggage and it was just like exhibited to some awful strangers.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
我是一名学生,乘坐飞机从马耳他-迪拜-上海 6 月 13。我 6 月 14 日下午抵达。不过,在 6 月 16 日 2 天后的上午,我我托运的行李。此外,我的行李的锁坏了。一个 75 年纪念 Zippo 打火机和一个春田太阳镜两人都走了。阿拉伯联合酋长国人员打破了我的锁,并偷走了我的东西。每个人都可以实际发生时我的行李在迪拜呆了一晚上的图像。有许多许多的个人着色剂的女孩在行李中,它就像展示一些可怕的陌生人。

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