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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Good evening Guys! Just get at home after one full and nice day in the amazing Haikou! SO nice city! Remember me SO much Brazil!=D Thanks for everyone who was there!! Me and Leo had a lot of fun! Thanks to you guys! Good night, sweet dreams! Love you all! Kisses!是什么意思?

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Good evening Guys! Just get at home after one full and nice day in the amazing Haikou! SO nice city! Remember me SO much Brazil!=D Thanks for everyone who was there!! Me and Leo had a lot of fun! Thanks to you guys! Good night, sweet dreams! Love you all! Kisses!

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
晚上好,小家伙 !就是在拿在家充分和很好的一天后令人惊异的海口 !如此美丽的城市 !记得我这么多的巴西 ! 为每一个人在那里 = D 谢谢!!我和奥了很多的乐趣 !多亏了你们 !晚安,甜蜜的梦 !爱你们 !吻 !

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