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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:6. Supplier kaizen workshops (lean training and follow-up), main goal is to continuously improve the Suppliers Quality level, reducing both escaping defects and associated Cost of Quality, according the relevant metrics in place.是什么意思?

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6. Supplier kaizen workshops (lean training and follow-up), main goal is to continuously improve the Suppliers Quality level, reducing both escaping defects and associated Cost of Quality, according the relevant metrics in place.

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
6.供应商改善讲习班 (精益培训和后续行动),主要目标是不断提高供应商的质量水平,减少逃逸的缺陷和相关的成本的质量,根据地方有关指标。

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