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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:外界对中国思想的了解离不开“仁”,这也成为中国社会的代名词。“仁”乃范围宽广的道德范畴,包括孝、悌、忠、恕、礼、知、勇、恭、宽、信、敏、惠等内容。先秦诸子百家争鸣,形成不同思想学派的涌现及各流派争芳斗艳的局面。儒、墨、道、法四家影响显著,他们都极力推崇“仁” 的思想:儒家“以德行仁者王”;墨家“见俭之利,因以非礼,推兼爱之意,而不别亲疏”;道家“绝去礼学,兼弃仁义”以及法家的“仁义不施”。中国社会进行着契而不舍的 “善的建设”与毫不妥协的 “恶的斗争”,主张正义, 扶弱济贫是中国传统美德,这也体现在中国人的“武侠情节”中。“故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子 ” 即人不仅仅以自己的亲人为亲人,以自己的子女为子女,体现了社会的博爱精神,使中国人民互爱互助,形成安定欣荣的发展氛围。“使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,鳏寡孤独废疾者,皆有所养”要让人们在年老时有人奉养,以终天年,年轻的时候,社会提供条件来发挥自己的作用,让年幼的未成年的孩子在社会的爱护下成长,鳏寡孤独的老人及有疾病残疾的,皆能有所养。是什么意思?

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外界对中国思想的了解离不开“仁”,这也成为中国社会的代名词。“仁”乃范围宽广的道德范畴,包括孝、悌、忠、恕、礼、知、勇、恭、宽、信、敏、惠等内容。先秦诸子百家争鸣,形成不同思想学派的涌现及各流派争芳斗艳的局面。儒、墨、道、法四家影响显著,他们都极力推崇“仁” 的思想:儒家“以德行仁者王”;墨家“见俭之利,因以非礼,推兼爱之意,而不别亲疏”;道家“绝去礼学,兼弃仁义”以及法家的“仁义不施”。中国社会进行着契而不舍的 “善的建设”与毫不妥协的 “恶的斗争”,主张正义, 扶弱济贫是中国传统美德,这也体现在中国人的“武侠情节”中。“故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子 ” 即人不仅仅以自己的亲人为亲人,以自己的子女为子女,体现了社会的博爱精神,使中国人民互爱互助,形成安定欣荣的发展氛围。“使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,鳏寡孤独废疾者,皆有所养”要让人们在年老时有人奉养,以终天年,年轻的时候,社会提供条件来发挥自己的作用,让年幼的未成年的孩子在社会的爱护下成长,鳏寡孤独的老人及有疾病残疾的,皆能有所养。

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
In the Chinese understanding without the thought of "benevolence", which has become synonymous with Chinese society. "Benevolence" is a wide range of moral, including filial piety, fraternal love, loyalty, are subject to change, courtesy, knowledge, courage, Prince Gong, wide, faith, sensitivity, benefits, and more. The pre-Qin scholars of thought contend, schools of different schools of thought emerge and the Fang-Dou Yan situation. Ink, Taoism, Confucianism, impact by four notable, they all strongly advocated "benevolence" thought of Confucianism "in virtue the benevolent King"; Mohist "see thrifty advantage due to indecent assault, push love means is that, without close and distant"; the Taoist "absolutely to ritual, and to abandon righteousness" and the legalist "benevolence, there are no Exchange". Chinese society for a lease without care "good construction of" uncompromising "fight evil", advocated justice, helping the poor is a traditional Chinese virtue, which is reflected in the Chinese "plot of the martial arts". "Acquaintance not only their parents, not the only son of its child" that is, people not only to their loved ones for their loved ones, with their children as children, reflects the social spirit of fraternity, made the Chinese people love and mutual aid, forming stable xinrong development atmosphere. "The old, strong, young Director, waste disease in those who have no kith and kin and cannot support themselves, are" to make people in old age support, complete one's allotted span of life, when I was younger, community provide conditions to play its role, let young underage children grow up in social care, and diseases of the elderly people with disabilities for those who have no kith and kin and cannot support themselves, can be raised.

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