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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:得体准则是评价话语好坏的最重要的标准,也是决定话语表达效果最重要的因素。在国际商务交往中,双方极有可能不曾谋面,而只是通过商务信函来磋商。在书信往来中,双方应该努力塑造良好形象,争取并保住新老客户,以取得更好经济效益。为达此目的, 我们必须注意商务英语书信写作语言的得体。即使我们信中谈的是索赔理赔不愉快的事情,我们也要不失礼貌。在商务交往活动中,索赔虽不是在每一笔交易中都会发生,但是经常会碰到,索赔要严肃、慎重、力争友好协商解决,要防止感情用事,避免情绪激动。起草索赔函电时,我们要不失礼貌、注意保持风度,做到有礼有节。得体的语言是非常重要的。它决定着这宗生意或是接下来的公司业务能否顺利进行,否则会给公司带来很大的麻烦,使自己处于被动或不利的地位。例如:I am writing with reference to order No. CL 818, which we received yesterday. When we turned on the machine, it did not work. It seems that the machine was not tested before dispatch. Please let us know what you intend to do in this matter.我现在给你方写信是关于我方昨天收到的标号为CL818的那批订货。但是,当我们打开机器试机时,它不工作。这台机器似乎没有检验就发货了。你方打算怎么处理,请告知。 在这个句子中,“seems” 和“Please”这两个词的使用,以及“It seems that...”和 “Please let us know...” 这两个句型结构的使用,使得说话的语气缓和了许多。理赔是相对于索赔而言的,贸易双方中受损失的一方向违约方在合同规定的期限内提出的赔偿要求称之为“索赔”,责任方就受损失一方提出的要求进行处理,叫做“理赔”。理赔与索赔一样,也要注意礼貌的运用,一封有礼有节的商务英语信函,有利于贸易双方接下来的贸易活动。Thank you for your letter of May 20. In order that we may be of the greatest possible help to you, will you please tell us just what you wish us to do about the matters? 贵方五月二十日的回信已收悉,特此致谢。为了尽可能地给贵方以帮助,请告知贵方希望我方对此该如何行动。这句话听起来彬彬有礼,因为写信人用词比较间接模糊,表达的意思就较为礼貌了。是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
得体准则是评价话语好坏的最重要的标准,也是决定话语表达效果最重要的因素。在国际商务交往中,双方极有可能不曾谋面,而只是通过商务信函来磋商。在书信往来中,双方应该努力塑造良好形象,争取并保住新老客户,以取得更好经济效益。为达此目的, 我们必须注意商务英语书信写作语言的得体。即使我们信中谈的是索赔理赔不愉快的事情,我们也要不失礼貌。在商务交往活动中,索赔虽不是在每一笔交易中都会发生,但是经常会碰到,索赔要严肃、慎重、力争友好协商解决,要防止感情用事,避免情绪激动。起草索赔函电时,我们要不失礼貌、注意保持风度,做到有礼有节。得体的语言是非常重要的。它决定着这宗生意或是接下来的公司业务能否顺利进行,否则会给公司带来很大的麻烦,使自己处于被动或不利的地位。例如:I am writing with reference to order No. CL 818, which we received yesterday. When we turned on the machine, it did not work. It seems that the machine was not tested before dispatch. Please let us know what you intend to do in this matter.我现在给你方写信是关于我方昨天收到的标号为CL818的那批订货。但是,当我们打开机器试机时,它不工作。这台机器似乎没有检验就发货了。你方打算怎么处理,请告知。 在这个句子中,“seems” 和“Please”这两个词的使用,以及“It seems that...”和 “Please let us know...” 这两个句型结构的使用,使得说话的语气缓和了许多。理赔是相对于索赔而言的,贸易双方中受损失的一方向违约方在合同规定的期限内提出的赔偿要求称之为“索赔”,责任方就受损失一方提出的要求进行处理,叫做“理赔”。理赔与索赔一样,也要注意礼貌的运用,一封有礼有节的商务英语信函,有利于贸易双方接下来的贸易活动。Thank you for your letter of May 20. In order that we may be of the greatest possible help to you, will you please tell us just what you wish us to do about the matters? 贵方五月二十日的回信已收悉,特此致谢。为了尽可能地给贵方以帮助,请告知贵方希望我方对此该如何行动。这句话听起来彬彬有礼,因为写信人用词比较间接模糊,表达的意思就较为礼貌了。

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
Appropriateness criteria is the most important criteria of evaluation quality of the discourse, discourse expression effect is also decided the most important factor. In international business dealings, very likely that the parties had not been met, but only to consultations by business letters. In the letters, both sides should try to create a good image, fight for and save new and old customers, to achieve better economic efficiency. To this end, we must pay attention to the appropriateness of business English letter writing language. Even if we talk about the claims in the letter claims unpleasant things, we are also losing manners. In business communication, occurs in the claim, although not in every transaction, but often encounter, claims to be serious, cautious, and strive to a friendly solution, to prevent emotional and avoid emotional. When drafting claims correspondence, we are losing courtesy, attention to manners, polite section. Felicity of language is very important. It determines the business or the next business can proceed smoothly, otherwise it will give companies a great deal of trouble, or against himself in a passive position. For example: I am writing with reference to order No. CL 818, which we received yesterday. When we turned on the machine, it did not work. It seems that the machine was not tested before dispatch. Please let us know what you intend to do in this matter. I now write to you about yesterday, we received the order numbered CL818. However, when we open the machine when you try, it does not work. This machine does not seem to test shipments. You going to do with, please let us know. In the sentence, "seems" and "Please" the two uses of the term, and "It seems that ..." and "Please let us know..." This two sentence structure used, makes the tone of moderation a lot. Claims is relative to the claim, trade both parties suffered losses in a direction made by the party in breach within the period stated in the contract for compensation as "claims", proposed by the party responsible for the loss Party requested a, called the "claims". Claims and claim also to note that the application of politeness, a business letter polite section, to trade both sides next trade event. Thank you for your letter of May 20. In order that we may be of the greatest possible help to you, will you please tell us just what you wish us to do about the matters? Your reply has been received, May 20, hereby thanks. In order to give you as much as possible to help, please let us know how do you want us to this action. This sentence sounds polite, because letter words is more indirect fuzzy, meaning of the expression would have been more polite.

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