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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:十七岁,已过了青春期的叛逆时节了。总觉得自己已经长大了。向往独立的生活。形成了属于自己的思维方式。上了高中,认识了形形铯铯的人,并且在浅移默化下改变着。接触了不少新鲜的事物。KTV、网吧、溜冰场也是我们这些人常出没的地方。有着父母也看不透的心思,喜欢非主流,总觉得自己这样就是个潮人。看着身边的人一个个都沉浸在恋爱的蜜罐中,不禁有点蠢蠢欲动了。恋爱中的90后每天上课发信息、上网。每天不切实际地打算着两个人的未来。有些人还忍不住诱惑偷尝了禁果。对于他们来说都无所谓。因为正沉浸在爱里。认定了对方是自己要寻找的幸福。但在我看来,这一切都好可笑,真的是群单细胞动物。你们可以预知未来吗?你们确定可以坚持吗?呵呵… 十七岁还没脱离孩子的单纯,也兼具大人的那一点点成熟。十七岁是应该好好摆正自己的位置了。不要太任性了。多关心一下身边的父母。少让他们担心了。世界上只对你付出而不求回报的也许只有父母了。 十七岁不管是生理还是心理都不太成熟。在别人看来你也许还是专干幼稚事情的小屁孩类。不要自以为成熟。十七岁要好好读书。不要只顾着谈恋爱、玩、逛街…其实社会不是想象中的那么简单的。 对于爱情根本就还不懂啊。而且也不太适合。虽说只要两个人相爱就好。但没有物质基础同样也不行啊。十七岁根本就没有金钱来源。每个月的生活费都要父母出。看看来自称潮人的我们真的该重新审视一下爱情这东西了。 十七岁不适合谈恋爱,也根本无法经营爱。。。。。是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
十七岁,已过了青春期的叛逆时节了。总觉得自己已经长大了。向往独立的生活。形成了属于自己的思维方式。上了高中,认识了形形铯铯的人,并且在浅移默化下改变着。接触了不少新鲜的事物。KTV、网吧、溜冰场也是我们这些人常出没的地方。有着父母也看不透的心思,喜欢非主流,总觉得自己这样就是个潮人。看着身边的人一个个都沉浸在恋爱的蜜罐中,不禁有点蠢蠢欲动了。恋爱中的90后每天上课发信息、上网。每天不切实际地打算着两个人的未来。有些人还忍不住诱惑偷尝了禁果。对于他们来说都无所谓。因为正沉浸在爱里。认定了对方是自己要寻找的幸福。但在我看来,这一切都好可笑,真的是群单细胞动物。你们可以预知未来吗?你们确定可以坚持吗?呵呵… 十七岁还没脱离孩子的单纯,也兼具大人的那一点点成熟。十七岁是应该好好摆正自己的位置了。不要太任性了。多关心一下身边的父母。少让他们担心了。世界上只对你付出而不求回报的也许只有父母了。 十七岁不管是生理还是心理都不太成熟。在别人看来你也许还是专干幼稚事情的小屁孩类。不要自以为成熟。十七岁要好好读书。不要只顾着谈恋爱、玩、逛街…其实社会不是想象中的那么简单的。 对于爱情根本就还不懂啊。而且也不太适合。虽说只要两个人相爱就好。但没有物质基础同样也不行啊。十七岁根本就没有金钱来源。每个月的生活费都要父母出。看看来自称潮人的我们真的该重新审视一下爱情这东西了。 十七岁不适合谈恋爱,也根本无法经营爱。。。。。

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
17 years old, has had a time of adolescent rebellion. Always feel that you have grown up. Yearning for an independent life. Formed his own way of thinking. On the high school, CS CS people known species, and in the light of the next change. Contact with a lot of new things. KTV, Internet bars, and ice-skating rinks is also a place where those of us who often frequented. Parents cannot see through the mind, like non-mainstream, people always think this is a tide. Look around people honeypot was in love, one can't help but somewhat ready. 90hou in love texting in class every day, on the Internet. Unrealistically intends to two people a day in the future. Some people also couldn't resist the temptation to steal tasted the forbidden fruit. Doesn't matter to them. Because of being immersed in love. Themselves to find happiness is to have found each other. But, in my view, it's all good funny, really is a group of unicellular animals. You can predict the future? You sure can insist on it? Oh SB Child not out 17 innocent, both adults a little bit of maturity. Is the age of 17 should really have put their own position. Not too unruly. Many concerned parents around. Let them worry less. You pay only and not for return of the world may have only parents. Regardless of the age of 17 is a physiological or psychological is less mature. In the eyes of others you may zhuangan childish things little ass child classes. Don't think mature. 17 years old to have a good reading. Not just of love, play, wandering forth In fact society is not as simple as imagined. Love does not know Ah. And it is not suitable for. Although as long as two people love each other just fine. But there is no material basis as devenv.exe. No money at all from the age of 17. Each month living parents. See from people we really should look at love again this stuff. Love is not suitable for the age of 17, also cannot operate love.. ...

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