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收录时间:2022-08-29 13:16:55


英 [ˌstrætəʊˈkjuːmjələs]美 [ˌstrætəʊˈkjuːmjələs]
  • n. [气象] 层积云
[ 复数 stratocumuli ]

stratocumulus 常用句子

1.Some types, such as Marine stratocumulus clouds, can have a significant cooling effect thanks to their ability to reflect sunlight back out to space before it ever reaches the surface of the planet.


2.Some types, such as Marine stratocumulus clouds, can have a significant cooling effect thanks to their ability to reflect sunlight back out to space before it ever reaches the surface of the planet.


3.The result shows that the new model can simulate the turbulent structure and the cloud microphysical processes of the marine stratocumulus-topped planetary boundary layer.


4.The evolution process of nocturnal radiation fogs and lower stratocumulus and their effects on the boundary layer structure are studied with the calculation of a model.


5.Panel (a) True color composite of one MODIS granule showing Marine stratocumulus clouds with ship tracks as well as upper-level ice clouds.


6.The frontal cloud is mainly stratocumulus, with a limited depth as a result of the subsidence inversions in both air masses.


7.The algorithm was applied to analyze the radiative properties of stratocumulus over East China…


8.It contains rolling green hills and a blue sky with stratocumulus and cirrus clouds.
