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收录时间:2022-08-29 13:54:38


英 [ˈʃɔːti]美 [ˈʃɔːti]
  • n. 特别短的东西;矮个子(等于 shortie)
  • n. (Shorty)人名;(英)肖蒂
[ 复数 shorties ]

shorty 常用句子

1.They nicknamed the short boy 'shorty "."


2.Malcolm and another hustler named Shorty Jarvis, along with their two white girlfriends, went on a robbery spree, and Malcolm was arrested trying to get a stolen watch repaired.


3.While there aren't too many alternatives to using hosted services for short links, we did come across two self-hosted solutions that you can install on your own hosting account: z.ips.me and Shorty.

尽管使用托管服务来压缩网址的替代方案并不多,但是我们还是找到两个自己托管的解决方案,你可以在自己的主机帐号上安装这两个网址压缩服务:z.i ps . me和Shorty。

4.While there aren't too many alternatives to using hosted services for short links, we did come across two self-hosted solutions that you can install on your own hosting account: z.ips.me and Shorty.

尽管使用托管服务来压缩网址的替代方案并不多,但是我们还是找到两个自己托管的解决方案,你可以在自己的主机帐号上安装这两个网址压缩服务:z.i ps . me和Shorty。

5.Get shorty: This German man found himself rumbled after sniffer dogs took an unusual interest in his Bermuda shorts.


6.On the other hand, Shorty can give you random URLs (similar to what most third-party apps do by default), while z.ips.me forces you to decide on your own URLs.

但是另一方面,shorty可以提供随机网址(这点跟大多数第三方应用程序默认做法很相似),而z . i ps . me则需要你选定自己的网址。

7.Shorty after the Big Bang, the universe was in a highly disordered and chaotic state.
