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收录时间:2022-09-04 12:17:45


英 [ˈwɒtmiːtə]美 [ˈwɒtmiːtə]
  • n. [电] 瓦特计;电力计

wattmeter 常用句子

1.The remote simple substation realized electric quantity collection through designing and rebuilding the existing wattmeter, transmission approach and key station.

对现有电表、传输途径、 主站系统进行设计改造实现远距离简易变电所电量采集。

2.The remote simple substation realized electric quantity collection through designing and rebuilding the existing wattmeter, transmission approach and key station.

对现有电表、传输途径、 主站系统进行设计改造实现远距离简易变电所电量采集。

3.Since the sum of these two power components can be obtained by the usually used "two Wattmeter method" , then the components can be Separated.


4.This paper concludes general calculative regularity of readings of two-wattmeter method using the impedance Angle of balanced load.


5.Reverse power relay a reverse power relay is a relay with a wattmeter movement that senses the direction of power flow.


6.The paper presents a practical method of digital wattmeter based on microcomputer and software.


7.With a clatter, the flatterer shattered the chattering wattmeter in the chaos.


8.The meter with which we check power is a wattmeter.
