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收录时间:2022-09-07 12:05:14


英 [vekˈsɪlə]美 [vekˈsɪlə]
  • n. 旗瓣

vexilla 常用句子

1.Photosynthesis of flower organs was also measured. Stomata were on the surface of sepal , vexilla, keel, anther, gynophore, ovary, and style but not wing or filaments.

结果发现:除了翼瓣和花丝表皮以外,气孔均分布在花朵的其它器官表皮上, 如花萼、旗瓣、龙骨瓣、雌蕊托、子房、花柱和花药。

2.Photosynthesis of flower organs was also measured. Stomata were on the surface of sepal , vexilla, keel, anther, gynophore, ovary, and style but not wing or filaments.

结果发现:除了翼瓣和花丝表皮以外,气孔均分布在花朵的其它器官表皮上, 如花萼、旗瓣、龙骨瓣、雌蕊托、子房、花柱和花药。

3.Photosynthesis of flower organs was also measured. Stomata were on the surface of sepal, vexilla, keel, anther, gynophore, ovary, and style but not wing or filaments.

结果发现: 除了翼瓣和花丝表皮以外,气孔均分布在花朵的其它器官表皮上, 如花萼、旗瓣、龙骨瓣、雌蕊托、子房、花柱和花药。