首页 > C > cuatro怎么读,cuatro什么意思,cuatro短语和例句


收录时间:2022-08-20 13:45:25


英 [ˈkwætrəʊ]美 [ˈkwætrəʊ]
  • n. (演奏拉丁美洲和加勒比地区民间音乐的)四弦(或五弦)吉他
  • n. (Cuatro)(美)库亚特罗(人名)
[ 复数 cuatros ]

cuatro 常用句子

1."Now we need to calm down a little because squads usually have around 25 players and ours now has some 35," Perez told Spanish television station Cuatro.


2."Now we need to calm down a little because squads usually have around 25 players and ours now has some 35," Perez told Spanish television station Cuatro.
