首页 > U > uke怎么读,uke什么意思,uke短语和例句


收录时间:2022-08-18 11:30:16


英 [juːk]美 [juːk]
  • n. 尤克里里琴(吉他型四弦拨奏乐器)
  • n. (Uke)人名;(日)有家(姓)

uke 常用句子

1."When we sold our family home, we put the proceeds in a UKe-savings account," David adds. "I wish we'd transferred the money into euros - we'd have now been about third better off."


2."When we sold our family home, we put the proceeds in a UKe-savings account," David adds. "I wish we'd transferred the money into euros - we'd have now been about third better off."


3.In the next level of technique not only does the nage initiate action to draw out uke's movement, but he USES the energy of his action to lead the response given him by uke.


4.The difference between this stage and the last is that in the last stage the nage allowed uke to initiate and then he led the "attention" of the uke via his own movement.


5.No longer does nage simply accept whatever the uke dishes out.
