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收录时间:2022-08-24 13:17:11


英 美 
  • n. [动]食肉动物;食虫植物(carnivore 的复数)

carnivores 常用句子

1.As a result, pastoralists, like carnivores in general, occupy a higher position on the food chain.


2.Dr Van Valkenburgh studied 36 living carnivores, ranging from weasels to tigers, to determine the frequency of tooth breakage.


3."A lot of large carnivores tend to be cannibals -- lions, hyenas, alligators, polar bears, " researcher Nicholas Longrich told Discovery News.


4.Of course, given that polar bears are immense carnivores, the notion that they might on occasion attack humans is not exactly shocking.


5."A lot of large carnivores tend to be cannibals -- lions, hyenas, alligators, polar bears, " researcher Nicholas Longrich told Discovery News.


6.For smaller cats, fur colour can help them hide from larger carnivores.


7.From the pictures, we can see that polar bear is cute and look kind. Don't you know that polar bears are the largest carnivores on land;
