首页 > P > pinholes怎么读,pinholes什么意思,pinholes短语和例句


收录时间:2022-08-24 13:59:36


英 美 
  • n. [电子]针孔;[纺][冶]小孔(pinhole 的复数);梢孔;气孔

pinholes 常用短语

pinhole camera针孔照相机

pinholes 常用句子

1.It was found in experiments that the particle polishing could eliminate the passive effect of hydrogen evolution and nickel deposits electroformed without pinholes and pits could be achieved by APEF.


2.Surface pinholes caused by gas formed at the mould surface.


3.In this paper, the formation mechanism of pinholes in gray and ductile iron and the factors influencing their formation are discussed as well as a preventive measure is suggested.


4.A photon sieve can be composed of a large number of circular pinholes. Each circular pinhole has a contribution to the focusing.


5.He said he figured the rainwater had settled in the pinholes, where wooden dowels held the joints together.


6.In place of the light sensors that would be engineered into a production version, Dr Raskar USES a diffuser placed behind the screen, upon which the tiny images from the individual pinholes are cast.
