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收录时间:2022-08-25 12:08:39


英 [ˈkjuːleks]美 [ˈkjuːleks]
  • n. 库蚊属蚊子,库蚊
[ 复数 culices ]

culex 常用句子

1.Methods: Female genitalia of 52 species of Chinese Culex mosquitoes were dissected and glass-slices of the specimens were prepared, on which a comparative analysis was conducted.


2.Native mosquitoes, Culex pipiens, are more likely to go for the face and the neck, she explained;

他说美国本地的Culex popiens蚊子更倾向于叮咬脸和脖子;

3.Methods The resistance to different insecticides of Culex Pipiens Pallens, Musca domestic and German cockroach were determined by dipping method, micro drip method and flask film method respectively.


4.Results Culex pipiens molestus were the only species in the closed and small underground garage.


5.Native mosquitoes, Culex pipiens, are more likely to go for the face and the neck, she explained; it’s the mosquitoes that carry malaria, Anopheles gambiae, that like biting the feet.

他说美国本地的Culex popiens蚊子更倾向于叮咬脸和脖子;而传播疟疾的Anophelesgambiae则更喜欢叮咬脚部。

6.The Bioassay of rotenone and Tephrosia vogelii extracts aerosols to Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, Blattellagermanica were researched with electron sprayer.


7.Results:The characteristic 600bp products were observed after amplification of extracts from 4 subspecies of Culex pipiens complex and 4 geographical strains of Aedes albopictus.
