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收录时间:2022-08-25 13:06:01


英 [ˈsɪvi]美 [ˈsɪvi]
  • n. 平民;便服
[ 复数 civvies ]

civvy 常用句子

1.They are still waiting for the national carrier, BSNL, to build them an alternative network before they hand over the airwaves to the BlackBerry-bashers on civvy street.

他们仍然在等待国家运营商,BSNL,在他们把电波交给civvy街的BlackBerry - bashers以前给他们建一个另外的网络。

2.They are still waiting for the national carrier, BSNL, to build them an alternative network before they hand over the airwaves to the BlackBerry-bashers on civvy street.

他们仍然在等待国家运营商,BSNL,在他们把电波交给civvy街的BlackBerry - bashers以前给他们建一个另外的网络。

3.People in civvy street have an easy life.
