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收录时间:2022-08-26 10:22:15


英 美 
  • n. 江湖骗子(charlatan 的复数)

charlatans 常用句子

1.Some parents caught in the crossfire between scientists and charlatans have decided, against all reason, that the vaccines are more dangerous than the diseases they protect against.


2.The conventional wisdom seems to be that economic forecasting is impossible and that economic forecasters are charlatans.


3.Not to my knowledge. From what the King told me, he was rather dubious about it, calling it the work of charlatans.

据我所知,不感兴趣。 据国王所说,他对于炼金术持怀疑态度,称其为装模作样的工作。

4.They did so in order to distinguish themselves from charlatans and quacks who purvey anti-aging products and treatments that are ineffective and sometimes harmful.


5.For everybody who is experienced in the dating scene, it is feasible for you might spot the charlatans with a kilometer away from.


6.But even during its height, critics such as Chaucer characterized alchemists as charlatans, and it was banned by Pope John XXII and King Henry IV.


7."There were a lot of charlatans, especially in the noble courts of Europe," said Dr. Newman.


8.Bear this in mind when deniers tell you climate science is a conspiracy or the work of charlatans.
