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收录时间:2022-08-27 10:10:39


英 [ˈɡlɒsɪz]美 [ˈɡlɒsɪz]
  • n. 注释;虚饰;光泽唇膏;光彩(gloss 的复数)
  • v. 掩盖;作注解;使有光彩(gloss 的三单形式)

glosses 常用短语

high gloss超光泽度;高度光泽

lip glossn. 润唇膏

glosses 常用句子

1.When glosses are used in the definitions, they, together with the core part of the definition, represent the meanings of the headwords and facilitate a better understanding of the definitions.


2.The film, at least in the first instalment, glosses over such ambivalence. Its message of a unique, empowering Taiwanese identity is unmistakable, and the main reason for its popularity.


3.This obviously glosses over a lot of details, but it shows the basic steps involved.


4.Ms Bernstein glosses over the innovative work a few companies have done in integrating CSR into their strategy, and she is better at identifying problems than offering solutions.


5.Mr Hiro devotes whole pages to what he sees as America's sins even as he glosses over others’.


6.The move would also have a huge economic cost, a problem that Mr Wu quite happily glosses over.


7.Statistically, his analysis has its dubious points - as John Naughton explores elsewhere in the Observer today, this glosses over the fact that Internet usage is increasing at an exponential rate.
