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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:I have been using the No No on my arms legs, underarms and bikini line and I haven’t had to shave or use any other form of hair removal in 6 months! I had to wait a bit longer to see the results (about 6 weeks) possibly because my hair is quite thick. But as soon as the hair started to get the point that I didn’t want 是什么意思?

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I have been using the No No on my arms legs, underarms and bikini line and I haven’t had to shave or use any other form of hair removal in 6 months! I had to wait a bit longer to see the results (about 6 weeks) possibly because my hair is quite thick. But as soon as the hair started to get the point that I didn’t want

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
我没有使用没有在我的胳膊腿, underarms和比基尼泳装线和我未必须在6个月刮或使用头发撤除的其他形式! 因为我的头发是相当厚实的,我必须长期等待 () 可能看结果大约6个星期。 但,当头发起动得到点我没有想要它再,我开始看更加美好,更加稀稀落落的头发生长。 它是惊人的! Much more比我期望了! 现在我有柔滑的头发释放我总作梦的皮肤。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
我已经在我的胳膊腿、 腋下和比基尼线上使用 No 和没刮胡子或使用任何其他形式的脱毛在 6 个月 !我只好再等一会儿,可能看到的结果 (大约 6 周),因为我的头发很厚。但只要头发开始不想到它周围的点,我开始看到太多细、 稀疏的头发长回来。它是惊人的 !更多比我的预期 !现在我一直梦想的柔滑的头发免费皮肤。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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