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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:There is a relationship that is formed between the rigidity of a system such as a grid and the naturally created shape of a human skull. Black Kites additionally embodies ideas of the memento mori and the iconographic skulls seen frequently within Mexican culture. The work brings to mind questions of our human fate and是什么意思?

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There is a relationship that is formed between the rigidity of a system such as a grid and the naturally created shape of a human skull. Black Kites additionally embodies ideas of the memento mori and the iconographic skulls seen frequently within Mexican culture. The work brings to mind questions of our human fate and

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
有被形成在一个系统坚硬例如栅格和一块人的头骨的自然地被创造的形状之间的关系。 黑鸢另外实现在墨西哥文化之内和肖象的头骨的频繁地被看见的想法纪念品mori。 工作带来介意我们人的命运和死亡率的问题。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
那里是形成一个网格系统的刚度和人类的头颅骨的自然创建的形状之间的关系。黑风筝另外体现了纪念品 mori 和肖像的头骨墨西哥文化中经常出现的想法。工作带来心灵问题对我们人类命运和死亡率。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
有在一个系统的僵硬之间被形成的一种关系例如一个格子和一块人的头骨的自然地被创造的形状。布莱克 Kites 此外包含死的象征和在墨西哥文化内经常被看见的肖像的头骨的想法。工作记起我们的人的命运的问题和死亡人数。

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