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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The time is the best peacemaker, these once thought the matter which forever could not pass, unexpectedly also such not making a sound simply passed。 But you have to remember, I gave up not because of what you said makes sense, and I gave up because I feel your eyes is not me at all,not to mention the heart of a man? I是什么意思?

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The time is the best peacemaker, these once thought the matter which forever could not pass, unexpectedly also such not making a sound simply passed。 But you have to remember, I gave up not because of what you said makes sense, and I gave up because I feel your eyes is not me at all,not to mention the heart of a man? I

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
时间是最佳的调解人,这些,一旦想法不可能永远通过的问题,不做的这样声音简单地也意想不到地通过了。 But you have to remember, I gave up not because of what you said makes sense, and I gave up because I feel your eyes is not me at all,not to mention the heart of a man? I know what your thinking,long long ago knew,But ha-ha, eventually this result,ver
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
时间是最好的和事佬,这些人曾经认为这件事永远不可能通过,竟也如此不发出声音只是意外但你要记住,我给了起来并不是因为你所说的有道理,并觉得你的眼睛根本不是我,更不用提一个人类的心放弃吗? 我知道什么你的思维,很长很久以前,呵呵,但最终这一结果之前感觉很, ~ 了很长时间,很长时间之后。归零的操作 !
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
时间是最好的调解人,这些曾经想不能够永远通过的事情,意外地这样地也不做出仅被通过的一个声音?但是你必须记住,我放弃不是因为你说的有意义,我放弃因为我觉得你的眼睛完全不是我,更不用说一个人的心?我知道什么你的思想,很久以前长期知道,但是哈哈,最终这个结果,很以前有感受 ~ 很长时间,很长期 time.Nulling 操作后!

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