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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Last is the formation of a program for street kids or “Skids”. A committee in the archdiocese of Cebu ought to include in the program free catechism, food and the opportunity to take a bath. They aim to gather as many skids possible as this also prepares them for their first holy communion.是什么意思?

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Last is the formation of a program for street kids or “Skids”. A committee in the archdiocese of Cebu ought to include in the program free catechism, food and the opportunity to take a bath. They aim to gather as many skids possible as this also prepares them for their first holy communion.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
为时是一个节目的形成为街道孩子或“滑行”。 一个委员会在宿务大主教管区在节目问答教学法、食物和机会应该任意包括洗浴。 当这也他们为他们的第一圣餐做准备,他们打算会集许多滑行可能。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
最后是一个程序为街上的孩子们或"垫木"的形成。宿务教区委员会应包括在该程序的免费问答、 食品和机会,去洗个澡。他们的目标是收集尽可能多滑行的可能,这也让他们准备好他们第一次圣餐。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
最后是街小孩或“刹车”的一个程序的构成。在 Cebu 的大主教区中的一个委员会应该免费包括在程序中问答集,食物和洗澡的机会。他们打算聚集由于很多可能的刹车如这么也为他们的首次神圣的交流准备他们。

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