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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Smoking Grinders are effective in churning different kinds of herbal buds, leaves, and spice. Our smoking grinders make the leaves perfectly textured, they preserve the natural aroma and freshness of the herbs. They are available in wooden, metallic, acrylic in in many differents sizes and colors, which suit the differ是什么意思?

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Smoking Grinders are effective in churning different kinds of herbal buds, leaves, and spice. Our smoking grinders make the leaves perfectly textured, they preserve the natural aroma and freshness of the herbs. They are available in wooden, metallic, acrylic in in many differents sizes and colors, which suit the differ

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
抽烟的研磨机是有效的在搅动不同的种类草本芽、叶子和香料。 我们抽烟的研磨机做完全被构造的叶子,他们保存草本的自然芳香和生气勃勃。 他们是可利用的在木,金属,丙烯酸酯在许多differents大小和颜色,适合我们的顾客另外口味。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
吸烟磨床是有效的大量不同种类的草药花蕾、 树叶和香料。我们吸烟磨床完美质感的叶子,他们保存的天然芳香和清新的草药。他们有木质、 金属、 丙烯酸在许多不同的大小和颜色,我们的顾客的不同口味。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
抽脱衣舞女在搅乳中是有效的不同各种草药的蓓蕾,叶子,香料。我们的抽烟脱衣舞女制作完美被 textured 的薄纸,他们保护自然芳香和药草的精神饱满。他们提供在木制,金属,塑料在很多不同尺码和颜色中,请求我们的客户的不同味觉。

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