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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:the inerting is necessary because,on the one hand in the case of salts containing nitrite,'atmospheric oxygen can xoidize the nitrite into nitrate and the melting point of the salt can therefore rise uncontrolledly是什么意思?

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the inerting is necessary because,on the one hand in the case of salts containing nitrite,'atmospheric oxygen can xoidize the nitrite into nitrate and the melting point of the salt can therefore rise uncontrolledly

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
惰是必要的,因为,就在含有亚硝酸盐的情况下,一方面, “大气中的氧气可以xoidize亚硝酸盐到硝酸盐和盐的熔点,因此可以上升uncontrolledly
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
惰性化是必要的,因为,一方面在包含亚硝酸盐的盐情况下, ‘大气氧气可能xoidize亚硝酸盐入硝酸盐因此,并且盐的熔点可能上升uncontrolledly
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
惰性化是必要的,因为,一方面在包含亚硝酸盐的盐情况下, ‘大气氧气罐头xoidize亚硝酸盐入硝酸盐因此,并且盐的熔点可能上升uncontrolledly
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
惰化是必要的因为一方面在含有亚硝酸盐,盐的情况下 ' 大气中的氧气可以成硝酸盐和熔点的盐亚硝酸盐可以因此上升 uncontrolledly xoidize
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
inerting 是必要的因为,一方面在包含亚硝酸盐的盐的情况下, ' 大气氧气可以 xoidize 亚硝酸盐到硝酸盐中和盐的熔点可以因此 uncontrolledly 上涨

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