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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:His body painting has reflected his sculpture factors transferred to painting in the hard plane. He put the concise and lively, smooth fine lines and nearly flat paint color surface together, show the weight of a human body and vitality; he used deformation, elongated face and body shape, querulous expresses the sorrow是什么意思?

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His body painting has reflected his sculpture factors transferred to painting in the hard plane. He put the concise and lively, smooth fine lines and nearly flat paint color surface together, show the weight of a human body and vitality; he used deformation, elongated face and body shape, querulous expresses the sorrow

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
他的身体绘画反映了他雕塑因素转移到绘画平面的硬盘。 他将简练、生动、流畅线条和油漆颜色几乎平直表面上在一起,显示的重量的一个身体和活力;他用变形、拉长脸和身体的形态、脾气暴躁的悲痛表示的心。 在“建模,无论是坐在地板上,或者躺在身体两侧,拉伸下肢是常被关掉、武器不离开您的手掌中。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
他的身体画反映他的雕塑因素转移到绘画在坚硬的平面上。他把简明,活泼,平滑细纹与近平光漆颜色表面在一起,显示重量的人体和活力 ;他用变形、 拉长的脸和身体形态,爱发牢骚的表达心中的悲哀。在模型中,是否站立、 坐着或躺着身躯,伸展下肢经常被切断了,武器不要离开你的手掌。精细、 柔软、 温和的起伏的身体曲线因此延伸到讲述人这是让人联想到维纳斯的永恒魅力。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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