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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The title of the thesis: N0.1 building project biding documentation of the Hui Jin Xue Fu Community. The project is located in the city of Shanxi Yi Lin, south to the Yuma Road, west to the Guihua road, and east to the urban Greenland. The building with a sheer wall construction design is 54.3 meters high (from the ter是什么意思?

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The title of the thesis: N0.1 building project biding documentation of the Hui Jin Xue Fu Community. The project is located in the city of Shanxi Yi Lin, south to the Yuma Road, west to the Guihua road, and east to the urban Greenland. The building with a sheer wall construction design is 54.3 meters high (from the ter

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
标题的论文:N1建设项目文档的韬光养晦的许镇薛富社会。 该项目位于城市的山西毅林、南到美国亚历桑纳州犹道、西至桂华道、东到格陵兰的城市。 建筑的墙体结构的设计绝对是54.3米高(从室外的露台的屋顶)。 这一项目是一个高层住宅建筑,18在一楼,2地下楼。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
论文题目: 可表记建设项目招投标文件许金薛福社区。该项目坐落在城市的山西益林镇,南至尤马中路,西至桂花路,东到城市绿地。建筑用剪力墙施工设计是 54.3 米高 (从户外到屋顶的露台)。该项目是一栋高层住宅大厦 18 楼与地下 2 层。该项目占地总建筑面积为 6471.06 平方米和 660.02 平方米的地面面积,和它有十八套 C 2 公寓布局和三十六套 C-1。项目类别的两个类高层建筑的设计使用年限为五十年,抗地震时为六年和耐火极限强度等级为二级,地下室耐火等级排名为我。该设计包括: 商业投标,技术投标的结论。商业投标包括土建、 装饰、 数量和价格表的子项目,分析表综合单价和数量、 定价表测
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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