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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Axle loads on freight railroads were 30,000 pounds in 1880, 50,000 pounds in 1906 and are 80,000 pounds today in addition to increasing axle loads,traffic is increasing at the rate of 20 million train milers per year and it is expected that high-speed passenger trains will share track with freight trains. Reports of a 是什么意思?

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Axle loads on freight railroads were 30,000 pounds in 1880, 50,000 pounds in 1906 and are 80,000 pounds today in addition to increasing axle loads,traffic is increasing at the rate of 20 million train milers per year and it is expected that high-speed passenger trains will share track with freight trains. Reports of a

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
车桥负荷在货运铁路是30000英镑的1880、50000英镑的1906,80000英镑今天除了增加车桥负荷,交通是在火车milers0每年,预计高速客运列车将共享跟踪货运列车。 报告的一个稀缺的正常的镇流器在我国的某些地区正在变得日益频繁。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
轨装载在货物铁路是30,000磅以1880年, 1906年50,000磅并且今天是80,000磅除增长的轨装载之外,交通增加以20每年百万名火车参加一哩赛跑的运动员的率,并且它预计高速旅客列车与货车将分享轨道。 好石碴缺乏的报告在国家的有些地区变得更加频繁。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
轴荷的货运铁路在 1880 年,于 1906 年的 50000 磅是 30000 磅并且是 80000 英镑今天除了增加轴荷、 交通每 2000 年万的火车英里的速度增长,预计高速客运列车将与货运列车共享轨道上。稀缺好镇流器在该国某些地区的报告正在变得更加频繁。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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