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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Long long ago, there were a Hercules in heaven named Sriabi and another on earth named Atilaba, who were able to pull up the mountains. One day, Sriabi decided to wrestle with Atilaba, who had to go out for emergency and asked his mother to treat the guest with a plate of iron cakes. Assuming that Atilaba had mighty st是什么意思?

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Long long ago, there were a Hercules in heaven named Sriabi and another on earth named Atilaba, who were able to pull up the mountains. One day, Sriabi decided to wrestle with Atilaba, who had to go out for emergency and asked his mother to treat the guest with a plate of iron cakes. Assuming that Atilaba had mighty st

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
很久很久以前,有一个大力士在天上命名Sriabi ,另一个在地上叫Atilaba ,谁能够拉上山。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
很久很久以前,有一个名为“大力神”在天上sriabi和另一个名为atilaba在地球,他们拉起的山景。 有一天,决定sriabi atilaba应付,他们不得不去为紧急,要求他的母亲,对待客人一个板的铁蛋糕。 假设有巨大的力量atilaba自从铁蛋糕一直是他三餐、sriabi也吓坏了,在一次。 听了刚才离开sriabi后他回来了,他去了atilaba并要求有一个摔跤。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
长期从前,赫拉克勒斯在天堂名为Sriabi和另在地球名为Atilaba,能拔山。 一天, Sriabi决定与Atilaba搏斗,必须为紧急状态出去并且要求他的母亲用铁蛋糕板材对待客人。 假设, Atilaba有强大力量,因为铁结块是他的饭食, Sriabi被惊吓了和左立即。 听见Sriabi有正义左边,在他回来了之后, Atilaba在他以后去并且要求有搏斗。 结果是Sriabi被击败了和死。 知道新闻,神Entigus得到了愤怒,在地球上送许多蝗虫和钻眼工人破坏植物。 要战斗与神, Atilaba带领人做火炬与杉木,并且狂放的蒿木分支在第六个阴历月的第24夜收集和点燃他们在领域以便烧蠕虫。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
很久以前,有一个大力士在天堂命名为 Sriabi 和另一个名为 Atilaba,地球上能够拉上山。一天,Sriabi 决定对付 Atilaba,那些不得不出去为紧急情况,并要求他的母亲去对待客人一盘铁蛋糕。假设 Atilaba 有强大的力量,因为铁月饼过他做的饭菜,Sriabi 是害怕,马上离开。听到 Sriabi 刚刚离开后他回来了,Atilaba 去追他,并要求有摔跤。结果是 Sriabi 是大败而死。谁知道消息后,Entigus 生气,上帝派众多的蝗虫和钻蛀性害虫毁灭地球上的植物。战斗与上帝,Atilaba 带领人们做出与松木火把和野生蒿枝收集,并点燃他们,烧掉这种蠕虫的农历六月底 24
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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