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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:(1) the shelf industry must wear a good helmet, wear a good seat belt, wear soft shoes, and can't wear shoes or leather shoes. The materials used in the stacking should be balanced and the tool should be placed in the tool bag. The objects can not be thrown and thrown into the upper and lower parts of the tool bag..(2)是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
(1) the shelf industry must wear a good helmet, wear a good seat belt, wear soft shoes, and can't wear shoes or leather shoes. The materials used in the stacking should be balanced and the tool should be placed in the tool bag. The objects can not be thrown and thrown into the upper and lower parts of the tool bag..(2)

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
rain or snow, ice day construction, a shelf to the protective measures, and the pre-construction cleaning dry the snow, ice, walls plastered, to prevent a plaster the unauthorized structure to remove.
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
(1) 货架行业必须戴好安全帽、 系好安全带,穿软鞋,不能穿鞋或皮鞋。应该平衡所用的叠层材料和工具应放在工具袋。对象不能引发和扔进工具袋的上部和下部的部分。(2) 脚手架和外侧的斜槽喂养平台高 1.2 米的防护栏和 18 厘米高座脚必须挂钩和挂网、 篱笆,但是净口绳中的应用,尼龙绳索和一大块紧固,净净的应采取高地上的锁定。同时随着高度的升高。(3) 脚手架搭建应具有良好抗-电源、 避雷针、 钢管脚手架要有可靠接地。这根铁丝钢脚手架应该要经过严格的检查后,谨防破损的皮肤,泄漏,机械应放在干燥的木板上。当通过钢脚手架施工照明电线应使用低电压电源不超过 12 伏特。(4) 总是注意删除碎片在架子上,
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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