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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Check the bushings and steel models are the same, check that the thread is in good condition, clean and impurity removal and rust. Steel connections, pay attention to two steel top tight, expose teeth-no more than one full thread, after the construction is completed and has identified upon the acceptance of the connect是什么意思?

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Check the bushings and steel models are the same, check that the thread is in good condition, clean and impurity removal and rust. Steel connections, pay attention to two steel top tight, expose teeth-no more than one full thread, after the construction is completed and has identified upon the acceptance of the connect

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
检查衬套和钢型号相同,请检查线程状态良好,清洁和去除杂质和锈迹。 钢连接,请注意两个钢质顶紧,或是将之暴露于牙齿的不超过一个完全线程,在有关工程完成后,已确定在接受连接器标记为红色的油漆
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
检查轴衬,并且钢模型是相同,检查螺纹在优良条件,清洗和杂质撤除和铁锈。 在建筑完成和辨认了在红色油漆之后,标记的连接器的采纳钢连接,对二钢顶面紧的薪水注意,比一个暴露牙没有更多充分的螺纹
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
检查轴套和钢模型是相同的检查线程处于良好的状态,清洁和杂质去除铁锈。钢连接,注意两个钢顶紧,暴露牙齿不不止一个完整的线程后施工完毕,并已确定连接器的验收合格后, 在红色油漆标记
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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