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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:俗语说“功到自然成”。按理说那些失败者完全可以尝到胜利的喜悦,但他们往往缺少一种 胜利的必要条件,那就是坚持。这就是他们失败的原因。上边的俗语中所提到的“功到”其 中已经隐含了“坚持”的意思。可见,一个人要想取得学业上或事业上的成功,除了个人的 努力之外,坚持也是实现这一目标的重要条件。是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
俗语说“功到自然成”。按理说那些失败者完全可以尝到胜利的喜悦,但他们往往缺少一种 胜利的必要条件,那就是坚持。这就是他们失败的原因。上边的俗语中所提到的“功到”其 中已经隐含了“坚持”的意思。可见,一个人要想取得学业上或事业上的成功,除了个人的 努力之外,坚持也是实现这一目标的重要条件。

  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:21:38
Saying that " the power of nature into ."
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:23:18
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:24:58
The proverb said “becomes the merit to the nature”.By rights these losers definitely may taste the victory the joy, but they often lack one kind of victory the essential condition, that is the insistence.This is a reason which they are defeated.In the above proverb mentioned “the merit” has already
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:26:38
The saying "gongdaozirancheng". Arguably the losers can taste the joy of victory, but they often lack the necessary conditions for a victory, it is persistence. This is the reason for their failure. Mentioned in the above saying "work" already implies the "stick" means. Obviously, a person to academ
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:28:18

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