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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:While I still suggest you send samples to the lab, please see my separate email with the lab in subject “failed report”. I am trying to amend the report to list Prop 65 instead, being that it is not a child product. However, the lab may respond by tomorrow saying that they still need to retest- which is why we’d like y是什么意思?

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While I still suggest you send samples to the lab, please see my separate email with the lab in subject “failed report”. I am trying to amend the report to list Prop 65 instead, being that it is not a child product. However, the lab may respond by tomorrow saying that they still need to retest- which is why we’d like y

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
虽然我还是建议你送样到实验室,请参阅我单独的电子邮件,在主题实验室“失败报告” 。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
虽然我仍建议您发送样品到实验室,请参阅我的另一封电子邮件中的实验主题为“失败的报告"。 我试图修改报告,列表中而不是支撑65,这是一个儿童产品不。 但是,实验室可能明天回答说,他们仍需要重新测试——这就是为什么我们想要你们仍可发送样品,以防万一。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
当我仍然建议时您寄发样品到实验室,请看见我分开的电子邮件与实验室在主题“出故障报告”。 我设法修正报告改为列出支柱65,是它不是儿童产品。 然而,实验室也许通过是明天的说反应他们仍然需要再实验为什么我们希望您以防万一仍然送样品。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
虽然我仍建议你将样本送往实验室,请参阅我单独的电子邮件与学科实验室"失败报告"。我试图修改报告,到列表道具 65 相反,它不一种儿童产品。然而,实验室可能回应说,明天他们还需复验期-这就是为什么我们会喜欢您仍寄样品,以防万一。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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