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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:首先,知识管理需要信息管理理论与技术的支撑。知识管理的杨 黾知识仓嘶,知识仓! 是一个连续不断的过程。在知识经济时代,知识已成为一种基本的生产资料,但知识的创新离不开信息,而知识不能简单地从所得数据进行归纳概括中产生,由知识与信息的互动性决定了信息资源演变成为知识资源的过程中,不可避免地需要运用信息管理理论与技术对信息资源进行感知、提取、识别、检索、规划、传递、开发、控制、处理、集成、存储和利用,通过学习过程与价值认知使信息转化为知识。信息管理理论和技术的发展为知识的采集与加工、交流与共享、应用与创新提供了得天独厚的环境和条件,为知识管理项目的实施奠定了坚实的基础。因此,知识管理与信息管理是相互依存的。是什么意思?

待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有
首先,知识管理需要信息管理理论与技术的支撑。知识管理的杨 黾知识仓嘶,知识仓! 是一个连续不断的过程。在知识经济时代,知识已成为一种基本的生产资料,但知识的创新离不开信息,而知识不能简单地从所得数据进行归纳概括中产生,由知识与信息的互动性决定了信息资源演变成为知识资源的过程中,不可避免地需要运用信息管理理论与技术对信息资源进行感知、提取、识别、检索、规划、传递、开发、控制、处理、集成、存储和利用,通过学习过程与价值认知使信息转化为知识。信息管理理论和技术的发展为知识的采集与加工、交流与共享、应用与创新提供了得天独厚的环境和条件,为知识管理项目的实施奠定了坚实的基础。因此,知识管理与信息管理是相互依存的。

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2013-05-23 12:26:38
First, the theory of knowledge management needs of information management and technology support. Dr a surname knowledge warehouse hiss of knowledge management, knowledge silos! Is a continuous process. In knowledge economy era, knowledge has became a basic of means, but knowledge of innovation without information, and knowledge cannot simple to from proceeds data for inductive General in the produced, by knowledge and information of interactive sexual decided has information resources evolution became knowledge resources of process in the, inevitable to need application information management theory and technology on information resources for perception, and extraction, and recognition, and retrieved, and planning, and passed, and development, and control, and processing, and integrated, and storage and using, through learning process and value cognitive makes information transformation for knowledge. Development of the theory of information management and technology for the collection and processing, Exchange and sharing of knowledge, application and innovation provide a favorable environment and conditions, for the implementation of knowledge management project has laid a solid foundation. Therefore, the interdependence of knowledge management and information management.

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