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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Experts agree that there is no foreseeable in crease of phosphate resources, and the supplyof mineral phosphorus is anticipated to be exhausted globallyin the mid-21st century( Steen, 1998). Therefore phosphate recycling system is required. Sewage which contains concentrations of phosphate should be considered as the i是什么意思?

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Experts agree that there is no foreseeable in crease of phosphate resources, and the supplyof mineral phosphorus is anticipated to be exhausted globallyin the mid-21st century( Steen, 1998). Therefore phosphate recycling system is required. Sewage which contains concentrations of phosphate should be considered as the i

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
专家一致认为,有在磷矿资源折痕没有可预见的,而supplyof矿物质磷预计用尽globallyin在21世纪中叶(斯蒂恩, 1998年) 。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
专家同意没有可预见的在磷酸盐资源折痕,并且supplyof矿物磷被期望是被用尽的globallyin二十一世纪中叶(斯滕, 1998)。所以需要磷酸盐回收系统。包含磷酸盐的集中的污水应该考虑作为重要磷补救来源。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
专家同意没有可预见的在磷酸盐资源折痕,并且supplyof矿物磷被期望是被用尽的globallyin中间第21个世纪( Steen 1998年)。 所以需要磷酸盐回收系统。 包含磷酸盐的集中的污水应该考虑作为重要磷补救来源。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
专家认为还有没有可预见在折痕的磷矿资源和供给矿产磷预计的疲惫的 globallyin 中期 21 世纪 (斯蒂恩,1998年)。因此磷回收系统是必需的。其中包含磷酸盐浓度的污水应视为重要磷恢复源。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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