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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Mamilla Mall runs perpendicular to the Old City Walls between Jaffa Road and Yitzhak Kariv Street. It opens onto the intersection of King Solomon, King David, and Agron Streets at its northern end, and Jaffa Gate at its southern end.[7]是什么意思?

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Mamilla Mall runs perpendicular to the Old City Walls between Jaffa Road and Yitzhak Kariv Street. It opens onto the intersection of King Solomon, King David, and Agron Streets at its northern end, and Jaffa Gate at its southern end.[7]

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
Mamilla Mall商场运行垂直于雅法路和伊扎克· Kariv街之间的旧城墙。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
乳头购物中心跑垂线到耶路撒冷旧城墙壁在贾法角路和Yitzhak Kariv街之间。它打开在所罗门国王,大卫国王和Agron街在它的北端和雅法门的交叉点上在它的南端。[7]
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
乳头购物中心跑垂线到老城市墙壁在Jaffa路和Yitzhak Kariv街道之间。 它开始Solomon国王,大卫国王和Agron街道的交叉点在它的北末端和Jaffa门在它南部的末端。(7)
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:26:38
玛商场运行垂直于旧城墙 Jaffa 路旁和伊扎克 · Kariv 街之间。它打开到十字路口的所罗门王,王 David 和阿格街道 Jaffa 门及其北边的尽头,在其南部的末端。[] 7
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
Mamilla 购物商场对于旧城市变成垂直的雅法路和 Yitzhak Kariv 街之间的沃尔斯。在其南方 end.(7) 在其北方的终端,雅法门往国王聪明人,国王大卫, Agron 街的十字路口上打开

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