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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:A typical feeder runs from a main busbar through a vertically mounted disconnect switch to the currentlimiting reactor (limits the feeder fault-current level to 7 kA thereby limiting the through-fault duty for the transformers for the most probable faults, i.e. those on feeders) to the feeder breaker and associated dis是什么意思?

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A typical feeder runs from a main busbar through a vertically mounted disconnect switch to the currentlimiting reactor (limits the feeder fault-current level to 7 kA thereby limiting the through-fault duty for the transformers for the most probable faults, i.e. those on feeders) to the feeder breaker and associated dis

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
一个典型的饲养者奔跑从一条主要母线通过一个垂直登上的断开开关到currentlimiting的反应器 (限制饲养者缺点当前水平到7从而限制通过缺点义务为变压器的钾为最可能的缺点,即。 那些在饲养者) 对饲养者破碎机和联系的断开开关和调动母线。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
典型的馈线贯穿从主母线垂直安装的断开开关到限流电抗器 (限制馈线故障电流水平到 7 kA 从而限制用变压器的最可能出现的故障,即那些在馈线故障通过义务) 转让母线与馈线断路器和关联的隔离开关。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
一台典型进料器从一主要 busbar 跑至纵向上升断开切换到 currentlimiting 反应体 ( 因此限制进料器错误趋势水平到 7 kA 为最可能的错误为改变者限制至错误的责任,即那些在进料器上 ) 到进料器断开器和联系断开开关和转移 busbar。

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