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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The marriage of the able man- Bingley and the beautiful girl-Jane is ideal in most people’s eyes. Of course, the couple meets many setbacks, such as the misunderstanding of Darcy and Bingley's selfish sister. At last, the lovers get married as the misunderstanding between Elizabeth and Darcy has been solved.是什么意思?

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The marriage of the able man- Bingley and the beautiful girl-Jane is ideal in most people’s eyes. Of course, the couple meets many setbacks, such as the misunderstanding of Darcy and Bingley's selfish sister. At last, the lovers get married as the misunderstanding between Elizabeth and Darcy has been solved.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
结婚的人——的彬格莱先生和美丽的小女孩珍是理想在一般人的眼。 当然,这对夫妇会见很多挫折,例如达西先生的误解和彬格莱先生的妹妹。 最后,那一对年轻的恋人结婚了,伊丽莎白之间的误解和达西先生已经得到解决。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
能人Bingley和美丽的女孩珍妮的婚姻是理想的在多数人的眼睛。 当然,夫妇遇见许多挫折,例如Darcy和Bingley的自私姐妹误解。 在为时,因为误解在伊丽莎白和Darcy之间解决了,恋人结婚。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
能干的人 Bingley 的婚姻和美丽女孩简在多数人的眼睛中是理想的。当然,夫妻满足很多挫折,例如 Darcy 和 Bingley 的自私的姐妹的误会。最终,情人像伊莉莎白和 Darcy 之间的误会一样结婚解决了。

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