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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The first ILP model proposed in the literature for VCP is the so-called descriptive formulation. In this model at most nn colors are considered and two sets of binary variables are used: variables xihxih (i∈V,h=1,…,ni∈V,h=1,…,n), with xih=1xih=1 if and only if vertex ii is assigned to color hh, and variables yhyh (h=1,是什么意思?

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The first ILP model proposed in the literature for VCP is the so-called descriptive formulation. In this model at most nn colors are considered and two sets of binary variables are used: variables xihxih (i∈V,h=1,…,ni∈V,h=1,…,n), with xih=1xih=1 if and only if vertex ii is assigned to color hh, and variables yhyh (h=1,

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
VCP 在文献中提出的第一个 ILP 模型是所谓的描述性表述。在此模型中顶多 nn 的颜色被认为和两组二进制变量使用: 变量 xihxih (i∈V,h = 1,...,ni∈V,h = 1,...,n),xih = 1xih = 1,当且仅当顶点二分配给变量 yhyh 和颜色 hh,(h = 1,...,新罕布什尔州 = 1,...,n),yh = 1yh = 1,如果解决方案中使用的颜色 hh。一种可能的模式为 VCP,称为 VCP 屁股,因为顶点被分配到的颜色,内容如下:
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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